تعتمد تكاليف الكساء على النوع المختار وحجم الأعمال ويتم احتسابها من قبل الفننين لدينا لكل عميل على حدى . في حال طلب الكساء سوف يتم إيجاد التصميم الخاص له مجاناً .
A properly selected finishing solution helps making your room harmonious and impressive. A huge selection of various materials allows implementing any design idea. The only limitation that can prevent you from using this or that particular technology is the price for the finishing. Especially costly operations are those connected to the design of façades and interiors decorated with natural materials, since this work requires special skills.
The technologies, used by the company, allow minimizing the prices of facade finishing. With our help you can (without paying extra money) implement your most daring interior design ideas. If you come to us, you can surely count on:
The interior decoration done by our company gives you an opportunity to decorate your house in accordance with modern fashion trends and do it at low costs. Our decorative concrete is able to imitate various kinds of natural materials. The surfaces can be of any color – according to your request. The prices of the interior decoration depend on the geometry of the premises, the state of the treated surface, and the selected type of decoration. Based on our experience, we will help you find the most harmonious and effective option of decoration depending on the characteristics of the premises.
Decorating your façade with natural or artificial stone is not cheap, which makes such services inaccessible to general public. An excellent alternative to this decorating method can be finishing the surfaces with decorative concrete. Your façade will look as presentable and impressive as that decorated with stone tiles, while the costs will be considerably lower. You can learn more about the price of services (related to your particular situation) if you contact our manager.